Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pros and Cons to Cloth Diapering

1. Saving tons of money. Did you know the average family spends OVER $2,000.00 in disposable diapers a year. (Not including wipes)

2. No more emergency trips to the store to always buy diapers.

3. You get to reuse them. I plan to use the same diapers I used on baby number 1 for baby number 2.

4. Selling them when you are done. Diapers hold there retail value really well depending on the condition when you go to sell them. (I.e. staining, relaxed elastic, etc.)

5. Saving the environment/landfills. The disposable diapers will outlive your child in the landfill.

6. You start learning about other "cool" products like trainers, reusable swim diapers, unpaper towels, mama cloth, amber necklaces and all the other eco friendly products.

7. You NEVER run out of diapers. (Unless you forget to do laundry.)

8. You gain a new "hobby"- cloth diapers!

9. Your baby will be stylish from head to bum, oh, I mean feet!

10. You gain instant mama friends! You find other people who cloth diaper and love it. You chat and share tips and tricks. Everyone is helpful and friendly and more than willing to answer questions.

11. No more yucky diaper crystals.

12. Easy to use.

13. Little to know blow outs. Especially in newborns and babies ebf.

14. No more rashes.

15. Coordinating outfits with diapers.

16. Your diaper becomes an outfit.

17. Babies/toddlers that have worn cloth diapers usually potty train faster.

18. Dogs don't get into the diaper and rip up dirty/stinky diapers.

19. Fluff mail! It's the best!!!

20. Making your own diapers.

21. Buying from WHAM's to help keep them at home with their little one(s).

Lets be honest there are a few down sides to cloth diapering. (Most aren’t really reasons not to start or continue cloth diapering though.)

1. Front loaders don't work well with diaper laundry. Even though they are beautiful and everyone I know has one or wants one… they really don’t work as week top loaders.

2. Some family members refuse to learn how to change cloth diapers.

3. It's hard to tell if a baby is wet or not. Cloth diapers are more "squishy".

4. Sometimes it's hard to find jeans that fit. We usually put my daughter in leggings.

5. You have to change every 2-3 hours for most cloth diapers.

Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to add your own pro's and con's in the comments.




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