Saturday, January 19, 2013

Stink! Stank! Stunk!

Some cloth diapers will begin to have a stink especially inserts with synthetic material (microfleece)

You will notice several cloth diapering families are switching from synthetic material to natural fibers such and bamboo, hemp, cotton or even Zorb. You can find inserts made with different combinations. Referred to as "blends". Natural fibers contain antibacterial properties which help fight against stink, yeast and detergent build up. (you still need a good wash routine and cloth diaper safe detergent.) Other benefit of natural fibers is that they are more absorbent and safe to place directly against the babies skin.

What do you do if your diapers/inserts start to stink?

1. Wash more frequently. If you are waiting 2-3 days to wash try washing every 1-2 days.

2. Try adding a little more laundry detergent to your wash routine. Sometimes you don't have enough detergent to get the load clean.

3. Add some type of additive to your wash routine. Funk rock (made my Rockin' Green), calogn, oxyclean.

4. Sundry your diapers/inserts. The heat from the sun has been known to help kill bacteria. Added bonus is it helps keep them bright white.

5. If all else fails try to strip your diapers.

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